Wednesday, October 30, 2013

5 Ways to Use Twitter in Your Job Search

Are you a college student about to graduate in December or May? Have you already graduated and are still looking for that dream job? Did you know that you might be able to tweet your way to a job?
That’s right … Twitter. It’s not just for following sports and your favorite TV show. The social network continues to be a viable resource for college students and grads to network with employers, identify potential job opportunities, and gain real advice on how to best approach the job hunt.


  1. Search for jobs and internships. While there are many hashtags that you could try out, here are a few to start with: #jobs #hiring #genY #entrylevel, #hireme, #gethired, #internships #intern. You can also subscribe to industry specific job feeds via TweetMyJobs.
  2.  Use the advanced search option and specific keywords to find recruiters, jobs, influencers and more information. You can create lists to organize your searches and follow those accounts for future engagement.
  3. Follow company career handles. For example @GEICOCareers @SodexoCareers @GECareers @MicrosoftJobs @attJOBS share photos, videos, job postings and more. Read what they are offering or direct message them with a question.
  4. Follow your school’s career center. If your university’s career center does not utilize Twitter, follow ones that do. Syracuse, NYU, San Diego State, SUNY Stony Brook and Miami are schools that share job leads, resume tips and career-related articles on Twitter.
  5. Participate in a job seeker chat. Chats are great ways to connect with peers for insight or industry experts who can offer real advice. I’ve always enjoyed #internpro on Monday nights. It’s a good chat focused on Millennials and careers.


Are companies really using social to find candidates? Which social sites are best for job hunting and why? What’s the best way to utilize social media in the search? These questions will be answered during the first-ever #SocialJobChat.
On Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 9 to 10 p.m. EDT there will be a new one-time Twitter chat co-hosted bySUNY Stony Brook and GEICO. The hour will be spent discussing best practices for using social media to find job leads and connect with employers. Students, alumni, career professionals and job seekers are encouraged to attend. Attendees are asked to follow and use the hashtag#SocialJobChat in their tweets.

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